mokkalog (alpha2.1)

What is Mokkalog?
Brand Growth
Core Values
Mokkalog is a fashion platform powered by community of rising brands & enthusiasts.
Discover & shop clothing from innovative & independent brands.
We curate clothing from independent brands.

Look around for a bit, we promise you will find something you like
The goal of Mokkalog is to have clothing from all over the world & be inclusive to all styles of clothing.
But we also want to celebrate clothing that are exceptional. Badges are given to brands that celebrates certain values or a brand that everyone should at least give them a look.
Verified Badge
Golden Mug
Editor's Choice
Green Sapling
Sustainable Spirit
Ruby Sicssor
Blue Globe
Global Shipping
Brand Growth
We want to shine a spotlight on emerging brands and underappreciated designers. Our mission is to empower these brands, enabling them to unlock their full potential and garner visibility among a broader audience.
Start Uploading Today: Are you a brand owner? You can start listing your clothing on our platform after you make an account with us today. Please follow our guideline when listing.
Find Collaborators: One of the ways to take your brand to the next level is through collaboration. We bring creative minds together.
Core Values
We are only 1% on our way to our goal!
One step at a time. Keep pushing through!

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