mokkalog (alpha2.1)

Welcome to Mokka

September 13, 2023

Hello welcome to Mokka!

We are a platform that tries to preserve clothing that is made by us. Our database is curated by the community. While anyone can upload whatever they want, we have created Mokka with these values in mind:

1.       Clothing from emerging brands that are underappreciated.
2.       Clothing that inspires innovation and creativity
3.       Clothing made by You.

Big brands have their own archives, but clothing from small brands or individual designers will be lost to the annals of history if not preserved. Also with the rise of AI technology, I believe it is more important than ever to preserve what humans have made. Mokka is a platform where clothing by the people can be documented for the future generation.


Adding New Brands & Clothing
Before you add clothing to our database, make sure the brand exists in our database.
If you brand doesn't exist please follow the steps below:

To add a new brand or clothing:
  1. Look at the navbar at the top, Click Profile -> My Page
  2. Scroll all the way down and Click Role
  3. Click New Brand or New Clothing

Browse our Catalog
This is where you will see all the clothing in our database.

Fill out your Closet
Closet function is to showcase your clothing. Pick out 8 clothing that represents you the best. 
When you go to a clothing page, you will see a coat hanger button, press that button to add the clothing item to your closet.


Q: Someone has already uploaded my brand, how do I edit it?
A: Please reach out to us at, after verifying you own the brand, we will give you the rights to edit the brand page.

Q: I like what you guys are doing how can I help?
A: Mokka is still at its early development stages, if you would like to help out, please reach out to us at This was made using Ruby on Rails. We need all the help we can get!

Q: Hey we are a small brand, how do we get verified?
A: Please reach out to us at

There are more to come, please join our discord and Instagram, to get the latest news.